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Cologne Baedeker Guide (Baedeker Guides)
Ebook Cologne Baedeker Guide (Baedeker Guides)
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From the Inside Flap
Baedeker; the most famous and cherished travel brand in the world is now adding this exciting new title to its innovative series. This superb full-colour, illustrated guide features 3D laminated cut-outs to show you the key sights in perspective and a large, fully-indexed, pull-out map.
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About the Author
Since 1827, Baedeker has set a benchmark for guidebooks and remains the most famous and cherished travel brand in the world. With over 50 titles available, the range is ever-expanding to keep up with the needs of today's travelers.
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Product details
Series: Baedeker Guides
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Marco Polo Travel Publishing; 2 edition (March 12, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3829768109
ISBN-13: 978-3829768108
Product Dimensions:
4.8 x 1 x 7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
Average Customer Review:
2.0 out of 5 stars
1 customer review
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,871,114 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
The content for the city seems to all be there. However, one major issue is that the attractions are only listed alphabetically, rather than by area/neighborhood. That's called an index. Who tours a city alphabetically? Just very hard to use, requiring much more work to organize the things you want to see. They do have a few pre-constructed tours which can suffice for the general overview of the place.
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